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Book Direct & Save

We offer discounts when booking direct! Just follow this 2-step process: 

Step 1:
Check Availability

The first step to receive discounted pricing is to validate the property is available. Here's how:

  1. Visit our Airbnb page

  2. Enter:

    • On the right-hand side enter 'Check-in' and 'Check-out' days​

    • Number of guests​

  3. Click 'Reserve' (This will NOT reserve the property and you will NOT be charged) 

    • Available: If the next page says 'Confirm & Pay'​ then it's available 

    • Not Available: If there isn't a 'Confirm & Pay' option it's unavailable so try different dates.

Step 2:
Contact Us

If the property is available, submit this form with your contact information along with your arrival and departure dates:

Thanks for submitting! Please be on the lookout for a message from me, Jackie Margoles.

©2023 by La Raison d'Etre.

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